Bookmarks – 11 April 2015

Carbs et al. Like most years, Alessandro and I spent the Easter bank holiday weekend staying with his parents in a small village not far from Rome. Spending most of the weekend eating (or talking about eating) reminded me again how good Italians are with carbs. Of course there is Pizza, thin and crispy Roman style, or thick and pillowy like they serve it in Naples. But then there are also the thick slabs of sourdough bread to start a meal, slightly charred and topped with a fresh tomato salsa or thin slices of rosemary flecked lardo or even just drizzled with olio nuovo (the beautifully grassy first olive oil of the season), thin strands of homemade tagliatelle like the ones you can see in the picture above (beautifully yellow as Alessandro’s dad made them with duck eggs) – cooked not too long so they retain some bite (al dente) before being thrown into a pan of funghi porcini, or the torn

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Dan Lepard’s flatbread

While I cannot take credit for the recipe for the flatbreads (all credit is due to Dan Lepard), I can take credit for the two awesome topping ideas I came up with recently: first, a flatbread topped with sausage meat and fennel and, secondly, a spicy meatlover’s feast. Fennel sausage flatbread Toppings for 1 flatbread, ideal for sharing and plenty of dinner for greedy eaters like myself 1/2 of the quantity of Dan’s wholemeal flatbread recipe 4 good quality pork sausages, about 5inch long 1.5 tsp fennel seeds 1 bulb fresh fennel, sliced vertically 1 tbsp cream cheese 1 fresh mozzarella ball, sliced thinly 2 garlic cloves Olive oil for frying 1. Once your flatbread dough is ready for us, roll out thinly and place on an oiled baking sheet. Pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees. 2. Heat a small amount of olive oil in a pan and crumble your sausage meat into the pan. Add the garlic, the sliced

read more Dan Lepard’s flatbread